Our Teams

The core support for any ministry comes from members willing to volunteer their time to provide the various tasks required to maintain our facility, support Sunday services, and provide educational and pastoral care programs throughout the week. On Sunday, April 3rd, UCOP hosted a volunteer appreciation potluck, along with information tables manned by team leaders to solicit additional team members.



Volunteers Coordinator: Mary Curtis

Administrative Team

Team Leader: Tracey Hynes

Ambassadors Team

Team Leader: Diane Clark

Buildings and Grounds Team

Team Leader: Ken Hill

We have a beautiful church that we can all enjoy, both for Sunday services and various activities throughout the week. But this beauty does not happen by itself.  It is due to the collective efforts of members who have given a few hours of their time during the month. Plants and flowers are cared for, bushed trimmed, and building facilities occasionally repaired or replaced.  If you enjoy all our church has to offer, please consider assisting the Building and Grounds team.  A few hours a month maintains our church in the welcoming and beautiful condition you’ve come to expect and enjoy.

Decorating Team

Team Leader: Lois Mayer


Hospitality Team

Team Leaders: Grant and Sandy Powers, Don and Mary Getz


Inreach Team

Team Leader: Vivian Walthall, Vivian Krueger

Outreach Team

Team Leader: Carmen Oberoi


Prayer Team

Team Leaders: Vivian Walthall, David Beard


Technical Audio/Visual Team

Team Leader: Bob Tuttle

Our team provides authoring and technical support for our IT, Website, and Audio / Video production needs. We are very fortunate to have had generous support from our membership that has allowed us to build an up-to-date multimedia system. Our volunteers receive hands on training in setup and use of computer presentation software, video cameras, live audio/video mixing and A/V post-production. Each week we record the Sunday services and provide it for viewing on our website (https://unitychurchofpeace.com), Facebook, YouTube and coming soon, streaming our Sunday meditation and message live to Zoom. We also record/stream memorial services in our sanctuary when requested. Our goal is to provide spiritual outreach for our Church in an expanding multimedia world.


Ushers Team

Team Leader: Richie Bonini

Ushers arrive 30 minutes before service, unlocking doors and lighting candles in the sanctuary. They greet and seat worshippers, both before and during the service, and hand out welcome packets to newcomers. During the service they are called upon to take an attendance count and collect offerings toward the end of the service. Following the services ushers extinguish candles and secure all of the doors. Occasionally, ushers are also called upon to serve during special events at the church, such as memorial and holiday services.