Dear Friends,
We have a very different form of service planned for you this Sunday. Modeled after the
Taizé form of prayer service, this Sunday, “A Transcendent Life” will celebrate, reflect
and remember the purpose of the seven-week spiritual journey we just completed.
Every “Adventure in Faith” series contains the intention that we change in some way.
Whether in behavior or spiritual practice, the person who started the journey isn’t who
we are now because of the lessons we internalized and lived throughout the series and
beyond. We have transcended our previous beliefs and feelings as a result of the
If you recall, our second AIF lesson was interrupted by Hurricane Milton. Yet, through
the miracle of the internet and technology, we experienced a lovely and healing service,
led by our LUT, Cathy Schwanke, who lives in Texas. We transcended our idea that the
guest speaker had to be physically present in the sanctuary. She was certainly present
with us technologically speaking, as well as in consciousness. As a result, she blessed
us with the perfect message of hope and healing.
As we gather this Sunday, let yourself rest in the readings, the songs and in the periods
of silence as we affirm that life is more, that we are more, than we could possibly
Bless you,
Rev. Eileen