Quote: “Change is part of life, and how you manage each new phase of your life – especially when you
did not seek it – is one of the primary ways your soul grows through this human experience.” - Ellen
By the time you read this message, Christmas will have already been celebrated in our homes. The food, the sharing, the love, all pleasant memories, settled into our memory banks.
I have found this week between celebrating Christmas and the New Year to be filled with infinite
possibility. It’s a time I get to review my life choices up to this point, and decide whether my thoughts,
words and actions brought me closer to my soul’s progression, or not. I can ask myself how I responded
to situations in my life that I may have preferred not to experience. Was I kind? Compassionate?
Understanding? As I prepare for the Burning Bowl ceremony on New Year’s Eve, will my “release list”
contain the same grievances and shortcomings I listed the year before, and the year before that?
This week, we are at a point of transition between two different states of being – who we were this past
year and who we wish to become. Choosing to change ourselves at depth for our spiritual growth
requires courage, intention and attention – to what we think, say and do. We can dig deeply this week
to become the designers and builders of our next best life’s expression, boldly going where we haven’t
gone before! The possibilities for our lives are endless! I invite you to join us this Sunday, either in the
sanctuary or on Zoom as we embark on this adventure together!
Happy Holidays,
Rev. Eileen