How to be Peace when you Peace goes to Pieces.
We are taught in Unity that we have everything we need to live a joyful, peaceful, prosperous life right here, within us. We are on a path of re-discovery and remembering the Truth of our being.
Just as Rev. Donna reminded us last Sunday from H. Emily Cady, “Here are two fundamental principles, on which rests the whole secret of Understanding Faith: First, the supply forever awaits the demand. Second, the demand must be made before the supply can come forth to fill it.”
If that is true for Faith, it must also be true for Peace (and every other need we perceive). How can that be? How can I find the peace in me in this world of chaos, of hustle and bustle, things to do, people to please? (And we all want to be people pleasers at some level.)
I have a friend who says there are no simple answers for complex situations. But, what if there are simple answers? It all revolves around the Unity Trinity—Mind/Idea/Expression.
I look forward to seeing you Sunday as we explore some simple answers in search of inner peace.
Many blessings,
Vivian Walthall, LUT