Of Two Worlds
Quote: “God is already in every part of your being, so it is just a matter of being
conscious of oneness with God.” Myrtle Fillmore, Myrtle Fillmore’s Healing Letters
Every week, my prayer partner and I pray together for about an hour and then
end our prayer with this affirmation, “I Am Peace ... And so, it is. Amen.” As we
conclude our prayer time, we can honestly say we experience the peace-filled
presence of Spirit. What a joy that we can live that experience weekly, especially
for that hour.
What if we could expand that weekly experience to daily, hourly, or even minute
to minute? What if we could always live from the indwelling Presence, the Christ
of us, and make our every thought, word and action peace-filled? Love-infused?
Then the words of the song would have fulfillment – “Let there be peace on earth
and let it begin with me.”
There really is no other place peace can begin. It must begin from within each of
us. Peace isn’t an external quality or condition that must exist before we are
peace-filled. Peace isn’t someone else’s responsibility. We each are responsible to
bring the indwelling peace of the Christ to the world. (But first, we have to be
conscious of it!) Join me this Sunday as we explore ways to reveal the peaceful
presence we were intended to be!
Blessing you abundantly,
Rev. Eileen