Cultivate Serenity

Our last week of the theme, Let Go, Let God, and I am hoping that you have added a little more peace to your daily life! I feel like one of the greatest gifts Jesus imparted to us is the gift of peace we find when we realize the presence of God in us. How important it is to claim our divinity and live from that place of the Christ within.

I believe that is how we begin to cultivate serenity in our lives. It starts with knowing how precious and special we already are and how powerful we are to create the life we choose. Then along with that, there are spiritual practices and a way of living that naturally allows a more serene experience.

So, this Sunday, we will touch on some of the masters who teach how to live from the inside out as we learn to flow with our good. I will share with you a number of tips and tools to use in your daily lives. I hope you plan to be present, either in person or on Zoom, because it’s always better when you’re present!

Many Blessings,
Rev Donna