Use the Power of Love
In Unity, the 12 powers are referred to as 12 faculties of mind. All are important, but I feel that the power of love is foundational.
Unity cofounder Charles Fillmore, who created the 12 powers system, said love is the power that binds together the whole human family. He also said, “In Divine Mind, love is the power that … binds in divine harmony the universe and everything in it; it is the great harmonizing principle known to man.”
Can we even imagine what life would be like without expressing love? As humans, I don’t believe it is possible for us to repress the power of love from coming forth. And this supply is inexhaustible too! It’s so powerful, but it’s up to us to express it!
Have you ever felt like it’s easier to love everyone else than it is to love yourself? It is so necessary for us to love ourselves first and foremost! How can we activate the power of love to enable us to love ourselves as much as we love our family and friends?
That is what I would like to explore this last Sunday of the month on our focus of love. I hope you are able to be with us because it’s always better when you’re there!
Much love and many blessings,
Rev Donna