A Journey to Acceptance

A Journey To Acceptance

I read recently that forgiveness is the bridge that connects our hearts, allowing us to move beyond the past. Acceptance gives us space for understanding that created unity in the face of adversity. It does feel like true forgiveness is at least a two step process.

When we are able to accept things that unfold in our lives that weren’t as we would have liked; or when we felt we’d been wronged, it means we’ve made a conscious decision to move past it. It means we no longer have to be stuck in that part of our life.

I felt this very clearly this week when I visited two members of our spiritual community, Phil and Charlene who both happen to be 95 years young. We talked about in order to flow with our lives, we have to trust in the good of the universe and know God in us is bringing forth the best in us and for us. They have both been through so many things in their lives and yet they are so open and accepting and can still talk about how grateful they are for all the blessings in their lives. They are true examples of people who have learned to accept what is, forgive what needs it, and move on expecting only good to manifest.

I hope you’ll consider joining us this weekend as we explore this concept of a journey to acceptance. I know we have the power within us to see things differently which makes it easier to accept whatever comes into our lives,

Many blessings,
Rev Donna