Evidence of Love
The Infinite Field of Potential and Possibility includes Universal Concepts. Among these
Concepts if the idea of Love. In our metaphysical classes we learn about the Twelve
Powers, Abilities, Faculties innate in our Spiritual DNA. One of which is Love. Being
both human and divine, we can understand Love from two perspectives, Spiritual and
Human (physical senses). I guess this is about “man’s search for meaning,” at least my
As we embark on our theme of Love for February, I am on a quest this week to enrich
my understanding of this Power/Principle of Love. But, what’s the point unless we can
find practical application? Eddie Watkins, Jr. did a fabulous job of introducing the
subject last Sunday when he asked, “What Would Love Do?”
I hope you will join me this Sunday as we dive a little deeper together looking for
evidence of Love and how we can be the Love we want to see.
Many blessings,