When we talk about this law from the Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra, it seems to me that it really hinges on how we need to lean into that 100% Divine part of us because it is the human part of us that is causing our daily issues. Deepak starts out by reminding us to just take a look at the ease of the natural world around us. It doesn’t struggle with changing of seasons, it just allows. If we could only get our egos out of the way, and quit worrying about what others think about us, say about, or how we “look”, we could free up so much of our energy for our spiritual life which awaits us.
This is our fourth week of our Adventure in Faith series. We have already covered the first three laws; potentiality, giving and receiving, and cause and effect. This particular one on least effort may be for some of us, one of the more difficult ones to not only understand, but also to implement. I invite you to join us on this journey as we talk about the three components of this principle that teaches us how to do more with less. I don’t know about you, but in this particular time in my life, I am looking for all the simplifying of my life that I can get. This law is simple, but not easy until we learn that our only adversary to our spiritual evolution is found within our own consciousness.
This is one of the things I so love about Unity and New Thought teachings. We talk about practical tools that help to make our lives easier and happier and quite frankly the law of least effort could possibly be the one that is most helpful for all of us. I hope you will join us this fun Sunday as we dress up in our Halloween costumes and enjoy sharing a potluck lunch. It’s always better when we are together!
Much love,
Rev Donna