The Law of Detachment
I can hardly believe we are beginning the 6th week of our Adventure in Faith series featuring Deepak Chopra’s book, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success. This particular law, although easy to understand, may be one of the more difficult to embrace and live in our daily lives. The concept of detachment from the outcome is not new, in fact it’s been around for centuries and is found in many spiritual texts.
Basically the law is that the degree you are able to release your mental attachments, you will find fulfillment, and as a result, attract what you want. Deepak says, “In detachment lies the wisdom of uncertainty. In our willingness to step into the unknown, we surrender ourselves to the creative mind that orchestrates the dance of the universe.”
This Sunday, we will explore ways we have a tendency to attach to an outcome, and realize that detachment is a practice. It can take some time, focus and patience. However the benefits we receive when we let go and enjoy the journey, means we can experience fun, adventure and mystery in the process!
I hope you will plan to be with us. It’s always better when you’re here!
Many blessings,
Rev Donna