There is a part of us that knows that wisdom is all around us, and that most importantly that wisdom that resides in us. I hope you got to hear what Rev Linda Martella Whitsett shared last Sunday, because it was such a great explanation of our three brains and how we discern using them to make decisions in our lives.
One of my favorite teachers, Rev Edweine Gaines said, “I act on the guidance, intuition, good impulses, and inspiration I receive.” We can never be separate from that innate knowing we have because we are never separate from divine mind. The way I see it is that there is an entire Universe waiting to support us in whatever we choose to create in our experience. So how much easier it is for us when we tune into and pay attention to what our guidance is telling us.
The only way to truly listen is to be mindful, do our prayer and meditation work each day and simply allow the wisdom from within to fill our minds and hearts. We have a tendency to make things harder than it really is by second guessing or asking our inner circle their opinions when Spirit has already shown us the way!
I invite you to join me this Sunday, whether in the sanctuary or on Zoom as we explore more ways to listen and follow that guidance we are given, moment by moment. It’s always better when we’re together so I look forward to seeing you very soon!
Much love,
Rev. Donna