This entire month we have been focusing on how we have access to divine wisdom that resides in us that is like a continual God positioning system. I don’t know about you, but I rely on my car’s GPS almost as often as I do my personal relationship with the God of my being. So once we know how much we are already guided, it’s time to let go and trust that guidance. Thomas Troward in his book, The Hidden Power, says “the first step to make use of that power of infallible guidance is to call to his aid simply by desiring to be led by it.”
Once we desire guidance and then we receive the guidance, it is up to us to follow through with it, to actually trust what we receive. Sometimes I think we don’t ask because we feel we may not be up to the task in which we are guided. But there is no more important work now than for each of us to heed our calling to be of service in whatever way we can help the consciousness of our planet.
Let’s use this time of Lent to reflect on how we can give up resistance, let go and allow the struggle to fall away from us. How about we learn to accept our guidance and know that whatever we are called to do, we are equipped with all we need. God in us will help us accept our calling and Spirit will make our path easier to follow, if we just learn to trust.
Much love,
Rev. Donna