The Law of Pure Potentiality

The Law of Pure Potentiality

I am delighted that our monthly theme for October is Guidance and here we are starting our Fall Adventures in Faith book series too. How fitting is it be to studying Deepak Chopra’s The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: A Practical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your Dreams?

These next seven weeks we are gathering together in each other’s homes and on Zoom, plus on Sundays, to cover one of the spiritual laws. The reason this is so important and relevant is that these are the same principles that nature uses to create everything in material existence. We already know who we are as divine beings, so when this knowledge is incorporated into our consciousness, we will have the ability to create deliberately and with effortless ease to experience success in what we choose as our focus.

So the first law we will cover is the law of pure potentiality, which is based on the fact that as pure consciousness we are pure potentiality. We will talk about how we experience our power when we live from our higher Self and not our ego. Our true Self which is our spirit and soul is completely free of fear and all things that can block us from our good.

I invite you to step out into an adventure in faith with us and join in one of our small groups-either in person or on line because they start as early as this Sunday. As always we hope to see you with us this weekend because it’s always better when you are there too!

Much love,
Rev Donna