The Law of Giving

Dear Friends,
I trust this newsletter finds you whole and well, and that your homes are secure and dry! This being only our second major hurricane aimed in our direction, Jim, the cats and I decided to head to Ft. Lauderdale to ride out the storm. We got the last room available at the Embassy Suites hotel and
found a local veterinary clinic that also served as a “pet resort.” (The staff told me that the cats were luxuriating in their vacation condo, getting lots of attention and cuddles!) We plan to drive back in the wee early hours of Friday morning. What a wild Wednesday we all had!

This Sunday, we are looking at the second chapter in Deepak Chopra’s book, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success – A Practical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your Dreams. “The Law of Giving” is a universal, as well as spiritual, principle. The author tells us that the universe operates through a dynamic exchange, and that the flow of energy in the universe depends on giving and receiving. We see this exchange and energy flow expressed in our physical bodies, and, if we pay attention, in our relationships and
experiences. The trick for us is to always give first, and from an open and compassionate heart.

Join us this Sunday as we explore various ways in which we can expand our spiritual growth by giving with love and compassion, and in turn, receiving graciously and gratefully.

Bless you all,
Rev. Eileen